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All Against Her

A disturbing blackmail.

Hélène (Astrid Whettnall) is a rich and attractive woman cheating on her husband Henri Dewallon (Patrick Timsit), a CEO with political ambitions.
One afternoon, her lover accidentally dies in her arms. Panicking, she flees the apartment, forgetting her bag. The deceased’s housekeeper, Alice (Sophie Quinton), finds it and contacts Hélène. A very strange blackmail takes place between the two women..

Genre: drama, movies

Format: 1x90'

Original title: Tout Contre Elle

Directed by: Gabriel le Bomin

Written by: Gilles Taurand, Gabriel le Bomin

Produced by: Marc Stanimirovic - Calt Production, with Bruno Solo and Garance Bonfanti - NOON and BELGA Films

Original Broadcasters: Arte

Cast: Astrid Whettnall, Patrick Timsit, Sophie Quinton, Lucy Ryan

Language: French

Year of production: 2019

International Sales: Federation

Format rights: Available

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