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Muammar Gaddafi: Inside the dictator’s mind

A delve into the psyche of the Lybian tyrant with exclusive access to his inner circle.

Muammar Kadhafi ruled Libya for 42 years. 4 decades that ended in 2011, during which he tyrannized his entourage, his people and the world. He became the archetype of political evil. In the manner of a historical thriller and criminal investigation, this film explores the psychology of the dictator, Machiavellian, paranoid, megalomaniac, perverse, manipulative, narcissistic and predatory… Like a “profiler” analyzing the behavior of a serial killer, this film plunges viewers into the brain of a man who, according to a secret CIA report that has since been declassified, was “on the verge of madness”.

Genre: documentaries, series

Format: 1x52' or 1x90'

Directed by: Kamal Redouani

Produced by: Everprod (Amandine Chambelland) with France Televisions

Original Broadcasters: France Televisions

Language: French, English and Arabic

Year of production: 2024

International Sales: Federation Studios

Festivals & awards: Excellence price at the Documentaries Without Borders Festival

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