Behind artificial intelligence lies the largest human and land exploitation of the 21st century.
A very well documented and eye-opening deep dive into the new digital revolution and what it means in terms of human and environmental cost.
Magical, autonomous, all-powerful… Artificial Intelligence fuels our dreams and nightmares. But while tech giants promise the advent of a new humanity, behind the scenes AI remains totally hidden. While data centers concrete over landscapes and dry up rivers, millions of workers around the world prepare the billions of data that will feed Big Tech’s voracious algorithms, at the cost of their mental and emotional health. They are hidden in the belly of AI. Could they be the collateral damage of the “Longtermism” ideology that has been brewing in Silicon Valley for some years now?
Genre: documentaries, feature-length
Format: 1x90' or 1x52'
Original title: Les Sacrifiés de l'IA
Directed by: Henri POULAIN
Written by: Antonio CASILLI, Julien GOETZ, Henri POULAIN
Produced by: STORYCIRCUS
Original Broadcasters: France Télévisions
Language: English (main) – Finnish - Ukrainian
Year of production: 2024
International Sales: Federation Studios
Festivals & awards: Outstanding Excellence at the Documentaries Without Borders festival