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Nature: The Call for Reconciliation

With NATURE, Yann Arthus-Bertrand aims to create a major collaborative film at a global scale, bringing together the most beautiful drone images in the world as a starting point to reflect on the state of our planet today.

Arthus-Bertrand and his team called out to drone operators around the globe to send their most extraordinary, rare and environmentally conscious images and create a low-carbon international film. Using this incredible footage, the seasoned director will create a film that tells the story of today’s world—both the earth and its inhabitants—to showcase its beauty as well as the catastrophes affecting it now more than ever.

After decades of specializing in aerial views, Yann Arthus-Bertrand wants to explore a new way of depicting the world using the latest technological advances. In the hands of talented filmmakers worldwide, drone technology will notably provide images of unexplored areas which were impossible to reach until now.

Genre: documentaries, one-offs

Format: 1 X 90' / 2 X 45'

Original title: Nature: Histoire d'une réconciliation

Directed by: Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Written by: Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Produced by: Hope Productions

Original Broadcasters: M6

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