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Catching Predators

The not-so-average life of part-time vigilantes.

In our society, some people decide to give their free time to defend a cause.
They make their life a fight. The members of Les Enfants d’Argus have made
this choice. Together, they form a collective of pedophile hunters who work
day after day with the same goal: to stop pedophile crime online.

Genre: documentaries, series

Format: 1x45'

Directed by: Maxence Saugrain and Salim Keddouh

Written by: Maxence Saugrain and Salim Keddouh

Produced by: Federation Studio France (Isabelle Dagnac)

Original Broadcasters: France Télévisions

Language: French

Year of production: 2024

International Sales: Federation Studios

Festivals & awards: Outstanding Excellence at the Documentaries Without Borders festival

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