Léa, 28, is one of France’s first female rabbis: frail shoulders, great responsibilities as she has to find answers in the labyrinth of small and big questions in people’s lives. But how can she be a guide for others when she herself is grappling with the fundamentals of love, family and the millennial’s quest for meaning?
Format: 8 X 26'
Original title: Le Sens des Choses
Created by: Noé DEBRÉ and Benjamin CHARBIT
Directed by: Keren BEN RAFAEL
Written by: Noé DEBRÉ, Benjamin CHARBIT, Elsa MANÉ and Julien SIBONY. Adapted from Delphine Horvilleur's book "Vivre avec nos morts"
Produced by: Federation Studios
Original Broadcasters: Max
Cast: Elsa Guedj (Léa), Éric Elmosnino (André), Manu Payet (Ilan), Noémie Lvovsky (Perle), Solal Bouloudnine (Joël), Anouk Grinberg (Laurence), Suzy Bemba (Suzanne) et Lionel Dray (Arié).