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The Large Family

They are funny. They are lovable. They are always in chaos. And they make a huge impression on young audiences everywhere !

Based on the series of bestselling picture books by Jill Murphy.

The Large Family has big dreams, high hopes and enormous piles of washing! Mrs Large dashes about like a whirlwind looking after her four children: Lester the coolest nine years old in town (or so he thinks!), the practical and creative Laura, bright spark Luke and mischievous baby Lucy while Mr Large manages to stay remarkably calm.

The stories reflect the everyday lives of this all too human elephant family, the school lives of the children, activities like going swimming or camping, the sometimes fraught relationships with their upwardy mobile neighbours. And at the heart of it all, a family that really cares for each other.

Genre: animation, kids

Format: 52x11'

Created by: Jill Murphy

Directed by: Philippe Balmossière

Written by: Jill Murphy

Produced by: GO-N Productions, Coolabi

Original Broadcasters: BBC, TF1, Disney Channel France

Language: English, French

Year of production: 2008-2010

International Sales: Federation, BBC Worldwide

Festivals & awards: Nominated at Cartoons on the Bay 2008

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